Ausfluege - Amazonas Brazil Agentur
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CNPJ: 13.969.298/0001-94
Stuttgart - Alemanha
Web Site Administrado por Eduardo Amazonas
Apoio de Sandra Wagner
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Get the Presidente Figueiredo city, the land of Waterfalls
Presidente Figueiredo is a Brazilian municipality located in the Metropolitan Region of Manaus, in the state of Amazonas.
It occupies an area of 25 422.235 km² and its population, estimated by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) in 2020, was 37 193 inhabitants, making it the twentieth most populous municipality in the state. Together with twelve other municipalities, it is part of the Metropolitan Region of Manaus, the largest and most populous in the Northern Region of Brazil.
BR 174 is the main highway in the city, being responsible for connecting it to Manaus, Boa Vista and the border of Santa Eleba de Uairén in Venezuela.Presidente Figueiredo emerged for ecological tourism due to its abundance of waters, jungle, natural resources, caves and waterfalls.
The Ministry of Tourism has cataloged more than one hundred waterfalls , many of them exploited economically through ecotourism.
There is a reasonable expanding tourist infrastructure in the urban and rural areas. Within the jurisdiction is the Balbina Hydroelectric Plant, whose work was severely criticized during its construction for its enormous impact on native and traditional populations, the hydroelectric is the only one in the State of Amazonas.